Welcome to the Black Rose Cemetery! The site is currently undergoing some changes so please be patient during this process. Thank You, Psyc0 Walrus.
until Halloween 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Haunt Cast Shoutout!

Hello everyone its time to meet the G-host Chris Bakerrrrr! This is not haunt cast -- Sadly. Hauntcast.com, So for those of you that do not know what Hauntcast radio is well then first, shame on you, and second Hauntcast is haunt radio for home haunters and Halloween enthusiasts. I've been listening for a few months now and I haven't not liked an episode yet. So this is what I have to say about the show. LISTEN! The link to the Hauntcast site will be posted at the bottom of this post. Now then, Hauntcast, Hauntcast, Hauntcast, this show basically explains everything to do with Halloween, it provides tips and tricks about how to make your haunt five times better than it is currently. However Hauntcast is not for younger listeners because of the fact that profanity is used and suggestive themes are mentioned. As stated on the site it comes with a 'Mental Advisory' label. I'm sure that you can tell that this show has some suddle humor for us haunters. Also it has a great G-host (more humor) that seems to constantly keep the show interesting and fun. Now don't worry this show isn't just some guy rambling on for hours about the same thing, no, this is a full fledged show at this point. It contains multiple segments such as, 'Theater of the Mind' from Rev, 'Fright Flicks' with Johnny Thunder, 'The Charmed Pot' with Shellhawk, 'Ask the Doc' with Doctor Morbius, 'Mad Props for Props' and the 'Hauntcast Top Ten.' All of these are very interesting to listen to unless of course your not a haunter/Halloween enthusiast. Also in order to listen to the entire show be sure to have a good hour to two hours of time to listen. Trust me, if your a true haunter it is worth every second. I think I've rambled enough. The rest is up to you to find out.

Psyc0 Walrus

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A New Look on Things


Today I just finished the first run of the Black Rose Cemetery logo for 2010.
This is what it looks like.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I hope you like that. I may or may not be doing a second run. Who knows? I get bored sometimes just like the rest of you. So, Haunters! How is it going? I'd imagine everyone is getting to that insane time where its just a rush for props now that halloween is less than 55 days! If it wouldn't be to much to ask I'd like you all to post a link to your site/picture album of what you have done so far! I'm curious to see how all of your haunts are coming and I will be uploading pictures of my builds pretty soon in the Gallery section of this site. Be sure to check those out as well as my youtube, and hauntforum posts as often as possible! Who knows you may see something you'd like to make yourself!

So as I move along here I'd just like to say, sorry that I haven't been updating this blog all that much. I've been busy juggling school, relationships, band, and halloween props and sometimes I just don't think to update. On another note, the site is about done being revamped. Pretty soon I will update the banner and background. I may also do a new color scheme but as of now that will stay. Be sure to keep checking back to see the new changes. Next up I'd like to point out that....... I NEED TO GET MUSIC DONE AND OUT OF THE WAY.... SOON! I always put music off 'til the last second and then have to just throw together some little mix of songs. I'd much rather mix in sound effects aswell as songs. Anyway, I've been busy, I'm sure you've all been busy and thats all for today. Be sure to checkout the Bloodshed Brothers aswell to see their Vlogs on youtube.


Thanks everyone!

Psyc0 Walrus

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fogger :/

Hello there technological geniuses! I am in need of some assistance. You see my foggers wireless remote doesn't seem to be working and I was wondering if there was any way of making a switch to make it work in a quick amount of time? Please note I have NO idea what your talking about with all these crazy terms so please explain all the terms or dumb it down as much as possible haha

I dont know if your going to need specifications or not but I know nothing about it haha the fogger doesn't exactly say anything on it about anything.. If you need the fuse type then I have that but I don't see why you would. Its a spirit fogger :/ I dont know anything else about it.

Its just like this one but doesn't have a handel at the top and has a wireless controller instead. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Some info I found awhile ago. Anyone know?
Power: AC 120V 60Hz
Heater: 400W
Output: 2000 cu.Ft/Min
Tank Capacity: 0.8 Liter
Remote: Wireless Remote (only has on/off switch)
Safety shut-off

Here is the fogger. I found it: https://www.gearbyowner.com/Ad.aspx?AdID=9369

Here is the link to the forum thread: http://hauntforum.com/showthread.php?t=23092

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Detained Mime

Your mother told you about those strong, silent types. Now you know why... After seeing a good dozen murders as a child due to his drunken father and psychopathic mother young Mark was abused to the point to where he was unable to speak or make any verbal noises. When his parents tried to communicate with him and realized he wasn't going to respond they inflicted pain to try to at least get a noise. They didn't. After a good year of this torture young little Mark died on 2-16-1894. The letters XVI were etched into his face to signify the number 16... He's watching right now...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

For Sale


I am selling a clown/Harlequin costume and mask via Hauntforum.com


I'm asking $20 SHIPPED for costume only or $35 SHIPPED if you want it with the mask!

Thank You!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's been awhile

Hello haunters! It's been quite some time now since I posted last haha! Anyway 2010 is looking to be a good year as I get a major head start! Already getting ideas for a prop for my entry in Hauntforum.com's annual $20 dollar prop contest! I plan on using an old TV I have laying around. (assuming they allow me) The idea is I'm going to gut the TV and add some LED's a foam armature and a thin film on the front so that when a switch is flipped the LED's turn on and create a silhouette of a head that would appear to be staring at you! WOOHOO! Now it may sound rediculous right now but by the time I finish and assuming this looks like how I imagine it this should be a really good prop! Whether it wins the contest or not I will use it for my 2010 haunt somehow and with help of friends hopefully incorporate it in the haunted house if my parents allow me to construct one... better start saving up my money now, which means no new Xbox games for a long time ): Oh well it will be well worth it!